Inserting an instance of ARIA Player in Garage Band V.'08 and previous.

Start a default new project. You'll get a Piano track. Get the track info by double clicking on the track (piano) icon or pressing the ? + i keys.

On the bottom right you'll have access to the instrument's Details

From that section you can change the instrument generator to a third party plug-in such as Garritan ARIA Player.

Once the Plug-in is chosen, click on the edit button to show its interface and load an instrument you want to play

Alternate method for GPO4 users

Fellow user Rick Schneblin prepared CST files (Software Instruments Presets) which allows GarageBand users lo load GPO4 instruments as software instruments presets.

Installation instructions are enclosed in the zip file.

Tags: 04, 05, 06, 08, Apple, band, Garage, garageband, osx